Is your Bag weighing you down? Heavy Bags Large handbags are a fashion must but they can pose a risk to posture and could potentially cause or contribute to back problems. The average British woman’s handbag weighs in at an average 5.4lbs (1) filled with all its contents, which is the equivalent of a bag of sugar. We’re on a “bigger is better” trend, and with all that extra space, we tend to fill it up just because i
As thousands of children up and down the country return to school after the summer break, few parents consider the rucksacks into which they are packing their weighty books and healthy lunches. Yet, school bags are responsible for a rise in back problems among school-age children. A child is constantly growing. Putting any restrictions on their growth may lead to them feeling pain in their limbs and joints and could
If you’re about to jet, bus or train away for your summer holiday and are worried about back pain, read this. We reveal how to prepare against and prevent back pain when you’re en route to your holiday destination. Going on holiday should be a time of rest and relaxation. The last thing you want is back and joint pain spoiling your fun, yet the journey to and from your destination can pose some serious challenges. Fo
Time for a change? Is your current position not living up to your expectations? We are looking for an enthusiastic and caring chiropractor to join our team. This would be part time with the potential to increase hours as the need arises. It is the ideal position in which to develop your interest in SOT and kinesiology within a relaxed and supportive atmosphere. We provide family based individualised chiropractic (inc